Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Who should I contact for technical assistance?
A: Call the 24/7 Stago Support Hotline, 800-725-0607 for instrument, software and questions about STA reagents.

Q: Who should I contact to obtain a copy of my Invoice?
A: Contact the Customer Care group at 1-800-222-Coag (2624), or email us at

Q: What are the Customer Care business hours?
A: The Customer Care group is available Monday through Friday, from 08:30 AM EST until 05:00 PM EST.

Q: When I call Customer Care at 1-800-222-Coag (2624) and after selecting option 3, I’m asked “….if you are a Contract Customer please press 2, to place an order or to track the status of an order please select 3.  How can I know which option to select?
A: Contract customers are customers who have Contracts in place for Cost Per Reportables, Reagent Rental Fixed, or Reagent Rental Line by Line.

Q: How do I go about obtaining a price quote?
A: You need to contact your assigned Account Manager. If you do not know your Account Manager’s name or telephone number, contact Customer Care at 800-222-Coag (2624) or email us at

Q: How do I go about returning an item?
A: You must first contact Customer Care at 1-800-222-Coag (2624) to receive a Return Authorization number. Returned items must have an authorized Return.

Q: How can I obtain a proof of delivery for my order?
A: Contact the Customer Care group at 1-800-222-Coag (2624). A Customer Care Specialist will provide you with the delivery date and name of the company delivering your order.

Q: How can I find out when my next shipment is scheduled to ship out on my Standing Order?
A: Contact your assigned Customer Care Specialist at 1-800-222-Coag for an electronic copy of your Standing Order and shipping schedule, or email us at

Q: How can I find out how much product remains in my sequester inventory?
A: Contact your assigned Customer Care Specialist at 1-800-222-Coag (2624) or email us at

Q: Where can I find Diagnostica Stago, Inc.'s full Terms and Conditions of Sale?
A: You can access them by clicking on the following hyperlink: Full terms and conditions of sale