My Expert QC, a new web application for comparing internal quality controls

Following on from its internal and external quality controls (My Daily QC and My Qualiris QC, respectively), Stago has supplemented its quality control offer by launching My Expert QC, a connected platform dedicated solely to the external comparison of quality controls.
My Expert QC

My Expert QC was designed as part of a process of continuous improvement of quality control management. It enables users to compare their internal quality control results with those of their peers on any instrument of the STA range.

The web application is accessible from any type of computer, and easy to use, via a secure connection. It is also customisable to users’ needs, offering a choice of several levels of comparison (between laboratories from the same group or the same country or worldwide), as well as several ways of displaying the results:

  • Quick report, showing an overview of the results compared with those of the peer group
  • Comprehensive report, providing more detailed statistics and access to the comparison parameters
  • Graphical report, enabling visual comparison of the user’s results with those of peers

The Connect.One module, available on the STA Coag Expert, enables automated input of the results into My Expert QC (Opens external link in current This module is compatible with Max Generation analysers. However, laboratories with other Stago analysers can import their results manually, or via a USB stick if they have the STA Coag Connexion.

Available 24/7, My Expert QC allows clinical pathology laboratories to verify the precision and reliability of their results by comparing them with those of peer laboratories in real time.

A modern, collaborative solution will facilitate the management of internal quality controls in compliance with accreditation rules.

For more information, visit the website Opens external link in current